School infrastructure measures
When we approach the various schools in our area of operation, we notice time and again that, in terms of infrastructure, the simplest things are often lacking:
- lack of classrooms
- crowded space too many children in rooms that are too small
- lack of desks and benches
- leaky roofs
- lack of school kitchens and dining halls for full-day operations
- lack of plumbing
- dark classrooms with no electric light
Since 2009, the association has also been working to improve the school infrastructure. For larger projects, it was often possible to find German schools in the Neuss area that collected donations through sponsored runs or other events, but companies also became involved in the area of education through generous donations. Since then, it has been possible to support the construction of classrooms, kitchens, dining halls, solar systems, gutters and water tanks at several schools. In addition, the stock of textbooks at various schools has been significantly improved and further smaller purchases of necessary materials and equipment have been made possible.
- Project start2009
- End of projectongoing
- Investment by donations99.400 €
In recent years, financial support has been provided to various schools for the construction of classrooms, kitchens, dining halls, solar panels, gutters and water tanks. Since in 2018 two more schools, St. Marys Primary School and Kagera Primary School, from our sphere of influence were taken into the focus of the association, this work will continue in a similar way at these schools.A list of all school infrastructure measures can be viewed at this Link.