Book Project
The impetus came from a godchild's wish to bring him a book, no matter what kind. The wish was fulfilled, the book devoured, and the year later the boy carried the book, which apparently had been read many times, still with him. There the boy was 15 years old. The book: a fairly challenging introduction to astronomy. Br> br> At least in the part of Uganda that we visit, there is no book culture as we have. Bookstores in which we spend hours with relish rummaging, one does not know there. A very small selection of notebooks and books can be bought at the stationery store. Few people can spare money for this luxury. Br> br> Therefore, preschool and elementary school children almost always see books in the hands of teachers, just as textbooks. Even at secondary schools books are still rare. On the one hand, reading ability is very conducive to the educational process and on the other hand, good books all over the world broaden the horizons of both children and adults. Books promote self-employment. Although they can not satisfy hunger in the short term, they can be food for the soul.
- Project start2018
- End of projectongoing
- Investment by donations1.200 €
Since we have discovered the children's book publisher BAKAME in Kigali, which produces books that are as appealing as our children's books, the 5 - km detour is usually installed on the way to pre-booked bookings online in advance pick. Advantage over reading material taken from our culture: They are written both in the native language as well as in English and deal with topics or stories from the children's world of experience. Br> br> The first suitcases went at primary schools. Regarding "matter to the matter ” We have already made our own little books with children of the third grade. The zealous silence of a class of 60 craftsmen and craftsmen and their pride, holding the finished product in their hands, is always very moving. We learned that there is a small school library with a librarian who hopefully has more to do now. That's where we stay. Br> br>In 2017, the foundation stone for a present library in the health center was laid in the form of a large lockable cabinet. On Saturdays, when the kids gather here to eat, dance, play football and other games, this closet opens up as well. On mats, benches, inside and outside sit small and large readers, mostly in groups and dive into new worlds. In 2019, a library team of 3 women and 17 year olds has been founded, some of which already at the book issue and the Support reading. Let's see what ideas and wishes they develop.
The cabinet will continue to fill in the coming years with children's literature in English and the native language Kinyarwanda. Other actions such as reading lessons are conceivable. Or how about someday with a lit.MUTOLERE?